What are ATSPs?
JFVA’s Alternative Therapy Support Programs (ATSPs) provide Veterans with health and wellness opportunities through competitive sports and clubs. These programs inspire Veterans to optimize their health & well-being, independence, quality of life, and Veteran community engagement.
ATSPs combine the three factors that allow our veterans to "Go Further", those factors are:
Physical - The moderate to vigorous fitness/exercise of the body
Mental - The stepping away or clearing of the mind, from daily life and tribulations
Community - The reestablishment of that close-knit comradeship veterans experienced while serving
By combining these three factors with a sports / educational activity "The Glue", this enables our programs to be extremely successful in providing that enriching therapeutic, relaxing, and fun experience that Veterans yearn for. This in turn improves Veterans' overall health & well-being, quality of life, and in some cases reduces the need of medical treatment and/or medication.
Our Veteran run programs are supported by volunteers, corporate sponsors, Alliance Partners, individual donors, and our very own JFVA members and staff.
Program Participation Eligibility
Currently, all ATSPs operate within community recreation leagues, usually hosted by a municipality recreational organization. With most organized sports and activities having both minimum and maximum capacity requirements, our programs will be subject to specific rules and regulations from the leagues, to include these capacity requirements.
When it comes to our ATSPs, the primary goal is to support our disabled and able-bodied Veteran members. These programs are available to military Veterans only. However, on occasion, when there are not enough Veteran members to fill required slots, JFVA then allows military Active Duty, Reserve, Guard, and ROTC Cadets the opportunity to participate alongside their Veterans.
Our preference scale is classified into three classes, with Class 1 being the highest priority to reserve a slot:
Class 1: Disabled Veterans with a VA disability rating
Class 2: Non-disabled Veterans with no VA disability rating
Class 3: Active Duty, Reservist, National Guard, or ROTC Cadet
If you like more information regarding eligibility or have questions about our ATSPs, please click here or email us at Info@JointForcesAlliance.
Active Programs
Future Programs
Joint Forces Bowling - Coming Soon!
Joint Forces Hockey Division 2 or 4 - TBD
Joint Forces Baseball - TBD
Joint Forces Soccer - TBD
Joint Forces Shooting - TBD
Joint Forces Basketball - TBD
Joint Forces Golf - TBD
Joint Forces Tennis - TBD
Joint Forces Road Cycling - TBD