Paul Tandoc
Executive Vice President | Vice Chair
Paul Tandoc is an Occupational Therapist who works with injured and disabled people to regain strength and function in meaningful occupations. He provides direct patient care to individuals from all age ranges and walks of life. He believes in a holistic approach to rehabilitation, supporting inclusive participation, and overcoming life-altering challenges. Paul is an agile healthcare leader that helps people return to jobs, social roles, and community participation.
Paul is an active United States Army Reservist serving under the United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command with the 416th Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne) out of Camp Pendleton, California as a Civil Affairs Officer, Civil-Military Operations Center Chief, and Company Executive Officer. He served four years on Active Duty as an Occupational Therapist at William Beaumont Army Medical Center, Fort Bliss, Texas and Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Navy Support Activity Bethesda, Maryland. He has been instrumental in the rehabilitation of countless Service Members and their families. Paul has volunteered with non-government organizations, including the American Red Cross and Disabled Sports USA, demonstrating a commitment to the Wounded Warrior and Veteran community.
Paul received his Bachelor’s and Master’s of Science in Occupational Therapy from San Jose State University, California. He graduated from professional military education at Joint Base Fort Sam Houston, Texas and Fort Bragg, North Carolina. He lives with his wife and one-and-a-half children in Littleton, Colorado. He owns a small custom woodworking business. His hobbies include ice hockey, fishing, running, riding motorcycles, and spending time out in the great outdoors.